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Pest Control for Late April to Early May

Pest Control for Late April to Early May

The following are the types of plants to inspect, the pest is what kind of pest you will see in your landscape, and the action is what to do when inspecting your landscape. 


Plant Pest Action


Birch Leafminer

Birch Leafminer

Inspect sticky traps for black adults. Treat with Malathion if needed.


Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Remove tents and larvae by hand or treat with Bonide Capt. Jack’s Dead Bug.



Dogwood Borer

Dogwood Borer

Inspect trunk and large branches for holes and fresh sawdust. Destroy by hand or treat with beneficial nematodes.

Euonymus (deciduous)

Euonymus caterpillar

Euonymus Caterpillar

Inspect tips for yellow larvae and silk. Young larvae vulnerable to Bonide Thuricide or Monterey Garden Insect Spray.

Fir Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid

Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid

Inspect for white nymphs on needles. Needles often bent. Treat with Organica Neem if needed.

Hardwoods Cankerworms


Inspect leaves for holes and looper larvae. Young larvae vulnerable to Thuricide or Bonide Capt. Jack’s Dead Bug.

  Gypsy Moth

Gypsy Moth

Inspect leaves for holes and larvae. Young larvae vulnerable to Thuricide or Monterey Garden Insect Spray.

Hemlock Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Inspect for cottony masses at base of needles and crawlers on twigs. Most vulnerable/treat with Pointer Tree Injection

Inkberry Inkberry Leafminer

Inkberry Leafminer

Check yellow trap for small gray flies and treat if needed with Bonide Borer-Miner Killer.


Lilac Borer

Lilac Borer

Inspect trunk and large branches for holes and fresh sawdust. Destroy by hand or treat with beneficial nematodes

Maple Pear Thrips

Pear Thrips

Inspect leaves for tattered, scorched or chlorotic patches and yellow nymphs beneath. Treatment not recommended.

Pine (Hard)

European Pine Sawfly

European Pine Sawfly

Inspect needles for dark green larvae. Handpick or treat with Monterery Garden Insect Spray if needed.

White Pine Weevil

White Pine Weevil

Inspect leaders for holes, sap flow and tip curl. Prune out infested leaders.

Pine (Soft) & Pine (Hard)


Pine (Soft)

Pine Bark Adelgid

Pine Bark Adelgid

Inspect trunk and branches for white, cottony masses. Increase vigor, reduce stress. Treat with Earth Tone Insecticidal Soap.

Pine Spittlebug

Pine Spittlebug

Inspect for spittle masses along branch tips. Ignore, remove by hand or treat with Sevin.

White Pine Aphid

White Pine Aphid

Inspect tips for brown nymphs. Check for ladybugs and treat if needed with Bon-Neem.


Snowball Aphid

Snowball Aphid

Inspect tip leaves for nymphs. Check for ladybugs and treat if needed with Malathion.

Turf Hyperodes Weevil

Hyperodes Weevil

Sample for adults and treat if needed with Bayer Advanced Powerforce.

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